Witness the cigar making process from start to finish A SHORT FILM
The heart of Foundation lives in the dark, dense soil of EstelΓ, where tobacco seeds begin their long journey to becoming award-winning cigars. In keeping focus on whatβs important, Foundation has released a time-lapse video sharing the extensive process about how their cigars are made.
The 11-minute time-lapse spans an entire year, though the whole process to create every part of Foundationβs cigars can actually take 2-3 years, with long fermentation periods. The video takes place in EstelΓ, Nicaragua and breaks down the technique into a number of steps, from seed beds, to curing, productions, molds, quality control, and more. Itβs a fascinating look inside a remarkable operation and also showcases the many people involved from beginning to end. To accompany the full video, Foundation also has an abridged one-minute version that highlights the most important steps.
This latest video from Foundation was filmed and edited by Kenneth Espinoza, who is also the talent behind The Remindersβ βFoundationβ music video. Kenneth studied at Virginia Tech and currently resides in Nicaragua. Four years ago, he created Foundationβs first videos and now Foundation is excited to announce that Kenneth has joined its art and media marketing team. Heβll be working to make video series for each Foundation cigar line and release monthly videos to bring more of Foundationβs process and inspiration to the public.