06 Sep Foundation Cigar Co. Rebrands Metapa as Aksum

Foundation Cigar Co. has announced that its Metapa line has a new name, as it is now being called Aksum.
The new name gets its inspiration from the resting place of the Ark of the Covenant, and is now named for an ancient city and kingdom that existed from approximately 150 BC to 960 AD. Aksum—the city and kingdom—is located in East Africa and South Arabia, in modern-day Northern Ethiopia and Eritrea. On its website, Foundation Cigar Co. writes that “according to local legend, the Ark of the Covenant was brought to Aksum by Menelik the First, the son of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. To this day, one priest guards the Ark his whole life, day and night.”
The packaging gets an update as well, as the image on the box and band of Aksum is that of Haile Selassie’s father, Ras Makonnen, who lived from 1852-1906. According to a press release from Foundation Cigar Co., Makonnen was once governor of a more modern-day Aksum, though other sources list him as as the governor of Harar from 1887-1906 after it was incorporated into the Ethiopian Empire by his cousin, Emperor Menelik II.
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